My South Beach Journey

Thursday, February 21, 2008

NSV #8 and Today

I got a double-take and a "My God, you look great!" today. This is on top of the 4 people who stopped by to comment on my weightloss yesterday. Woo-hoo!

B: Baked Oatmeal w/ SF Maple Syrup
S: Red Peppers
L: Salad w/ artichoke, asparagus, edamame, green onion, tomatoes, lf mozzarella, tuna, garlic, basil, & lf balsamic vinaigrette
S: Red grapefruit & 1/4 c. cashews
D: Grilled chicken w/ portabella mushrooms
S: NSA Fudgesicle (if wanted)
E: Doubtful, mom's in town

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