My South Beach Journey

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Goals this Week

Goal #1:
To exercise at least 5 hours this week (300 minutes to go!).
2/25 ~ 40 minutes Pilates (260 minutes to go!)
2/26 ~ None (260 minutes to go!)
2/27 ~ 60 minutes Cardio; 30 minutes strength training(170 minutes to go!)
2/28 ~ None (170 minutes to go!)
2/29 ~ 60 minutes Cardio (110 minutes to go!)
3/1 ~ 60 minutes Walking (50 minutes to go!)
3/2 ~ 40 minutes Sweatin' with the Oldies; 20 minutes Pilates (Goal achieved!)

Goal #2:
To drink 1/2 of my body weight in water ounces everyday (84.75 oz).
2/25 ~ 135.2 oz
2/26 ~ 135.2 oz
2/27 ~ 202.8 oz
2/28 ~ 135.2 oz
2/29 ~ 135.2 oz
3/1 ~ 135.2 oz
3/2 ~135.2 oz
(Goal achieved!)


Posted by Dev :: 12:57 PM :: 0 Comments:

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