Monday, September 20, 2010
New HomeSo, if anyone still comes here, I wanted to let you know I've moved. You can now visit me at my new home: I'm trying to de-compartmentalize my life a bit so I don't disappear on my online friends like I have in the past. Please be sure to update your bookmarks (if you still visit me here!)

Sunday, September 19, 2010
GulpTomorrow's the day. Weigh-in and measurements in the morning.
Food plan for the day (so far):
B: Eggbeaters w/ mushrooms, ham, and lf cheddar
S: Mini cukes, lf string cheese
L: Salad w/ celery, tomato, onion, 1 oz goat cheese, 1/2 c. garbanzo beans, balsamic vinaigrette
S: Bell pepper, 1/4 c. cashews
D: Chicken w/ broccoli (?)
S: ???
E: None, more than likely
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Starting Over (Yet Again)Huge Sigh. Why can't I figure out the magic solution to keeping the weight off??? Actually, I have - I'm just having trouble with the follow-through. So, I know what to do - I know what foods make me feel good, and which ones make me feel lousy. It's just a matter of "just doing it". So this weekend, I'm gearing up. I'm shopping, I'm cleaning the crap out of my cupboard, and I'm starting over.
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
I FellSeems I fell off the face of the earth, doesn't it. Well, I've been doing abysmally. Completely fell off the wagon and managed to gain 10 more pounds (I think). Restarted South Beach 2 weeks ago, and so far, so good. I haven't weighed in yet, but will do so tomorrow. Cold weather's coming and I need to fit back into my clothes!!!
As far as exercise, I've been so busy packing that it's really my only form of it right now. I'm moving next week ~ still in the same town, just a different area.
I also started back to school again. So between moving, work, family, school, etc., etc., I'm spread pretty thin right now. But after the move next week, I'm hoping things calm down.
So, just know I am alive and breathing. Will do my best to be a better blogger.
Labels: Updates

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Working OutLast night's workout was awesome. I started with 30 minutes elliptical, then did 15 minutes stationary bike, followed up by 30 minutes on the cross-trainer. It went well, considering I hadn't blackened the door of the gym in weeks.
Today, I will be doing the wellness walk at work (if they're doing it ~ kids are out on school break until labor day), then will do some strength training at home.
P1.5 (24 WW Points)
B: Eggs w/ asparagus & lf Italian cheese (3 pts)
S: Red pepper (0 pt)
L: Agave-Lime Grilled Chicken w/ Asian Inspired Broccoli Slaw (7 pts)
S: English Cucumber (1 pt)
D: Grilled Bass w/ Lentil Salad (10 pt)
S: NSA Fudgesicle (0 pt)
E: 30 min walk; 30 min strength training
Labels: Daily Update

Monday, August 18, 2008
6 Inches!Good morning and Happy Monday! Today's the day ~ I'm heading back to the gym. Game plan is 30 min elliptical, 30 min crosstrainer, and 15 min bike. We'll see how I do.
I did go off-plan a few times last week. First was the fair on Wednesday; Second was my best friend's son's rehearsal dinner (I'm his honorary auntie); and Third, of course, was best friend's son's wedding. Fair food consisted of a corn dog, Indian Taco, a few sips of lemonade, 1/2 of a funnel cake, and a few bites of a teriyaki rice bowl; Rehearsal dinner was pulled pork, coleslaw, beans, frog-eye salad, and cake; Wedding was S&S Meatballs, smoked cocktail weenies, pinwheels, cocktail sandwiches, punch, and chocolate wedding cake ~ then after the wedding a group of us went out for cosmos and white wedding cake.
So yesterday, I went right back on plan and I intend to stay that way, one day at a time.
Took my measurements again last night. The results are as follows:
Chest: 40"
Hips: 41.5"
Belly Button: 41"
Waist: 36.5"
R Arm: 12.5"
R Thigh: 22.5"
R Calf: 14.5"
L Arm: 12.5"
L Thigh: 22.5"
L Calf 15.2"
Which means, I've lost a grand total of 6 inches so far!! Go me!
P1.5 (WW 24 pts)
B: Asparagus & Eggbeaters w/ lf italian cheese (3 pts)
S: Red pepper (0 pt)
L: Salad w/ 4 oz grilled chicken, onion, tomato & 2 T feta dressing (5.5 pts)
S: English cucumber, 14 cashews (5 pts)
D: 4 oz Agave-Lime grilled chicken, 2 cups broccoli (6 pts)
S: NSA Fudgesicle
E: 75 min cardio ~ gym
Labels: Daily Update

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Food ComaWell, I wasn't as good at the fair last night as I had planned on being. I wasn't completely horrible, but I didn't just have my corndog I allowed for. I had a few sips of my mom's lemonade, an Indian taco, 1/2 of a funnel cake, a bite of a fried snickers (curiosity got the best of me), and a bite of a fried oreo (verdict is fried snickers are better). Oh wait. And a few bites of Baby J's terriyaki rice bowl.
Today I'm in a food coma. Oh, and I forgot to take my meds with me to the fair so I didn't take them until after 11pm last night. So, am feeling very sleepy.
Plan for today:
P1 (WW 24)
B: Broccoli & Cheddar Eggs (4 pts)
S: Red peppers (0 pt)
L: Salad w/ Pico de Galo, 4 oz chicken breast, 1 T caesar dressing, 1 T lf lime vinaigrette (8 pts)
S: English Cucumber (1 pt) (also have 14 cashews on reserve in case I'm really hungry ~ 4 pts)
D: ???
S: 2 SF Lifesaver popsicles ~ (1 pt)
E: 60 min Zumba (-4 pt)
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